So What Is Metabolic Age?
There are so many metrics to try to keep up with when striving for good health and weight loss. That makes sense! The human body is complex.
In recent years, many people have grown familiar with whole-body composition and tracking their body mass index, but are you familiar with your metabolic age?
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Your metabolic age basically tells you how healthy you are. For this reason, it is possible to have a higher or lower metabolic age than your actual age.

To determine your metabolic age, start with your basic measurements (height, weight, and age) to receive your basal metabolic rate. You will now compare your BMR to others in your same demographic.
Understanding basal metabolic rate (BMR)
The basal metabolic rate is a key factor in determining your metabolic age. Everything we do during a day burns calories (though of course exercise burns more calories faster). So, your basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns even when it is at rest.
This is an essential metric to know, as it helps to determine the number of calories you should be eating during the day and gives you unique insight into the number of calories your body will burn naturally at rest versus when exercise and activity are applied. Giving you a good idea of how much you should be eating and exercising each day.
Is it possible to lower your metabolic age
Hey, look at you! You've determined your BMR and have learned your metabolic age, neat! But what if your metabolic age is older than your chronological age. What do you do now?
Having a metabolic age older than your actual age might sound scary, but it's not impossible to turn back the metabolic clock. How? If you've been involved in weight loss and healthy living, the answers shouldn't come as a surprise.
The Importance of Diet and exercise
So, how do you obtain a lower metabolic age? Diet and exercise! Yes, the universal recommendation for a healthy lifestyle is the same for those seeking to lower their metabolic age, too.
Increasing exercise is a recommended tool for improvement in this area. Experts also suggest building fat-free mass and increasing muscle mass. Some recommend weight, strength, and resistance training as the healthiest way to do so.
As for diet, the usual healthy eating recommendations appear here, too. Consuming more fruits and vegetables can be very useful in lowering your metabolic age and increasing your metabolism. Increasing higher protein foods and reducing fatty foods in the diet are also recommended as the body is better able to burn calories through protein-rich foods than fatty foods. Complex carbs could also be useful in this area, as they require more energy from your body to digest. Sweet potatoes and butternut squash will make great additions to your kitchen staples.
Why is my metabolic age older
If your metabolic age is older than your chronological age, there is a good chance that your diet and exercise routine is not very healthy. You may be carrying more body fat and less muscle mass than is recommended for your height and age, as well.
Low rates of physical activity and poor sleep can both contribute to a higher metabolic age. Of course, health problems that limit your mobility, chances of exercise, or increase the risk of obesity could also have an effect on your metabolic age. These health problems may be more difficult to work around than typical lifestyle issues, so remember to speak with health coach or doctor if you face these obstacles.
How do you calculate metabolic age
If you know your basal metabolic rate you can compare this to the average BMR for people in your age, gender, and height group to figure out your metabolic age. You could also use a calculator or manually calculate the results using mathematical formulas, though many health experts suggest speaking to a professional instead, as this is considered more reliable and accurate.
Does metabolic rate increase with age
No, your metabolic rate will most likely decrease as you age. The older our bodies become, the less energy expenditure we are able to endure, resulting in a slowing metabolism. Though your BMR is expected to lower over time, it is still healthiest to continue exercising and dieting within the guidelines for your demographic to keep your metabolic age as healthy and low as possible.
What changes your metabolic age
Weight loss, healthy eating, and increased physical activity can all aid in lowering your metabolic age. On the other hand, health problems, the natural aging process, and poor sleep could lead to a higher metabolic age.